Think Smart™ Learning Centre implements the curriculum of Koza Learning System™ which is built upon three principles: Gamification, Self-Learning and Ecosystem.

Playing is the best way to learn.

Our curriculum
In the last few decades, the definition of learning has changed a lot. We even avoid using the term ‘teaching’ as it is the age of self-learning (autodidact generation) instead of teaching. There are many smart ways and channels of learning in both computerized and physical space.
In Think Smart™ Learning Centers, we create an ecosystem where children learns with engaging and fun activities. We work with manufacturers designing smart games and toys to accomplish our objectives.
In our weekly program, children join 45 mins sessions in a group or private setting. We introduce a series of tasks during an academic year to improve certain skills and cognitive functions. An average child would start learning most critical skills much earlier than conventional school curriculum. Accordingly, we reduce the stress and incubate the confidence.
Needless to say, our curriculum is an organic structure that we continuously explore new tools and devices as well as new products coming from leading suppliers.
- Logical & DeductiveThinking
- Predictive Thinking
- Critical Thinking
- Creative & Innovative Thinking
- Algorithmic Thinking
- Social Emotional Control & Patience
- Spatial Thinking
- Economic Thinking

For setting the scene for motivation and productivity, our ecosystem is our priority. The use of screen-based learning is negligible in our system, and we use physical tools and space to achieve higher level of concentration. All our tools and games are selected from the cutting-edge and most advanced physical instruments. Our curriculum is designed to develop underlying cognitive functions and intuitive features managing most academic and artistic talent on the surface.
We encourage cooperative learning to benefit from group psychology and the enjoyment of collective success.
Is your child ready for the age of superintelligence?
To prepare your child for a strong future, parents need to understand the developments happening in the last few decades, particularly in the last few years. For example, ChatGPT has introduced one of the most advanced applications of artificial intelligence which replaces lots of intellectual work normally done by people in long hours and with certain expertise. Average person finds it “scary”!
Now access to information does not require a talent. Even compiling data and information do not need it. As a result, the future of new generations is led by a different set of skills, and that will define if they are mean users guided by the superintelligent ecosystem or critical thinkers and developers designing the ecosystem.

Investing in your child's future.
James Heckman: Early Interventions Lead To Higher Intelligence
Nobel Laureate James Heckman suggests that “the years between birth to preschool are crucial in helping to boost intelligence scores, enhancing overall educational standards, and therefore improving the economic future of the less advantaged amongst us.”
“Short-term measurements of cognitive skills don’t tell the real story of long-term life and career success. Skills developed through quality early childhood education last for a lifetime.”

Our commitment
Our families come from various backgrounds, but we gather on a common goal. On a weekly program, we implement series of strategies and tools to improve cognitive skills of your child step by step. Our methodology does not promise to you a fast and visible results in the short-run. Koza Learning System™ focuses on deeper and long-lasting functions which needs patience and foresight.
In this regard, we committed to our long-term goals. Short-termism in education costs inefficiency, future costs of tutoring and temporary superficial gains in some academic requirements. Instead, we would like to give opportunity to our children to develop their essential cognitive skills and to experience a better and mindful childhood while transiting to adolescence period with stronger and self-confident personality.